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  • Writer's pictureJohn Olsen

Essential Bug-Out Bag for Emergencies

By Author John Olsen

It's interesting how some people look at prepping. Some take it to an extreme, while others make light of those who do. Prepping or emergency preparedness is a great skill to have and can help your family feel safe. I like to prepare, but I don't have a bunker in the forest stockpiled with food. To be honest, I don't begrudge anyone who goes to the extreme. Better safe than sorry.

A Bug Out Bag is one of the minor things you can do to be ready for any emergency. While watching the world, many people have had to evacuate their homes because of fire, flood, or other natural disasters. A Bug Out Bag (BOB) is very helpful in any of these situations.

I'll go through some simple BOBs and some essentials to keep in them. Keep in mind it's only some of what you could do. Like many other Emerging prep stuff, it can vary drastically depending on your family and circumstance.

1. The Bag-

The bag can be anything from a school backpack from Walmart to a $2000 hunting pack preloaded with supplies. The key is to ensure it's comfortable for whoever is packing it and can carry your essentials. Everyone over the age of 5 should have their own BOB, so fill one for your kids and make sure it is comfortable for them to carry. If your kids are under 5, someone will need a bag big enough for the adult and the kids' stuff.

Amazon, Cabelas, and other online retailers have reasonably priced great packs.

2. Documents-

It would help if you had a place where all necessary documents for the family are stored in an easily accessible location, all contained and quick to grab. These include social security cards, passports, birth certificates, etc. You want to avoid looking for documents in an emergency. A locked document bag is about 30$ but well worth it. You will want to have cash on hand as well. This locked Document bag is a great place to store your money. The rule of thumb for cash is $1000 - $2000; however, anything you can keep in there as liquid cash could be handy. ATMs and cards will not be accessible in an emergency.

3. Food and water-

a clean filtration system or water tablets to clean water for drinking. One bottle to fill and hold water- 3 dehydrated meals.

4. 1-2 sets of clean clothes,

Clothes should include a change of socks and underwear. You'll be ok grabbing your coat and boots as you leave, but you'll want clean clothes packed and ready when nessacary

5. First aid kit- a simple one in all the bags but a more advanced one in the adults' bag. Including a stitching kit and general medication. You'll want to keep everyone's daily medicine in a place that is easy to access and grab as you go.

6. Tools-

Every pack should have a multi-tool and headlamp. Every adult should have a hatchet. I like one adult also to have a folding shovel. Adults should have a kit with a fishing line, paracord, fishing kit, sewing kit, flashlight, and pepper spray.

7. Radio-

The adults should have one emergency radio to listen to broadcasts. Every pack should have a walkie talky with training on how to use it. Everyone should also have extra radio, flashlight, and headlamp batteries.


If you feel safe and ok, add a weapon like a handgun and ammunition. This also depends on the type of emergency you are facing. You may feel safer with a Taser or other means of defense.

You want to be prepared but able to move quickly, so keep that in mind when designing your BOB. Keep things like prescriptions and documents organized and within reach. It helps to have a pair of boots for everyone that fit and are kept where they are easily found.

You don't want to scare your kids; however, having a drill every so often so they understand and know what to do will help.

Have a meeting place designated if family members are not home

during the emergency. A church, school, or similar site. The place to meet should be easy to access and easy to remember.

BOBs should be checked every six months. Old items, out-of-date medicine, and old food should be replaced. Children's clothes should be checked to make sure they still fit. A family planning meeting or drill is a great time to check all items in your BOBs.

Emergency Preparedness can alleviate a lot of fear of disasters. Having a plan and BOB will make you sleep easier at night.


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